EPP and COMECE organize conference on EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief

EPP and COMECE organize conference on EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief

COMECE and the EPP Group organise a Conference in the European Parliament titled “EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief. What’s next?” The main objective of the event is to provide a platform to discuss religious and intercultural aspects of different EU policy areas.

“EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief. What’s next?”

Conference on religion and EU External action

Wednesday 26 April 2017 from 16.30-18.30 hrs

Room ASP 3E-2, European Parliament, Brussels

In June 2013, the Council adopted the “EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief” as a non-binding instrument for their staff to identify and react in case of violations of this freedom in third countries.

More than three years after, there is still a pending assessment by the EU of these Guidelines and their implementation, which was initially foreseen for 2016. This event will be focused on the current main challenges that the Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief represent for the EU and the need to re-launch the EU’s commitment to the practical promotion and protection of this cornerstone of human rights.

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