FoRB Intergroup welcomes special attention given to Freedom of Religion or Belief in the EP Human Rights Report

FoRB Intergroup welcomes special attention given to Freedom of Religion or Belief in the EP Human Rights Report

On December 14th, 2016, the European Parliament adopted the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the world 2015 and the European Union’s policy on the matter.

Intergroup co-Chair Dennis de Jong MEP: “ The resolution gives extra weight to our dialogue with the EEAS on the implementation of the EU Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief. As we as intergroup demonstrated in our own Annual Report, persecution based on religion or belief is increasing in many parts of the world. It is important for the EU and its Member States to do their utmost to support religious and belief communities who are facing discrimination, violence and persecution. This holds, in particular, for those professing a non-religious belief, as their rights are frequently completely ignored, especially in States where the government identifies itself with a dominant religion.”

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